Client Libraries

Client Libraries

Applyze Tenant has following client libraries:

C# Libraries

Name Description Version Target Platform
Applyze.Identity.Client It provides all endpoints processes over abstractions. Nuget .netstandard2.0 Portable
Applyze.Shared.Authentication It provides only authentication of tenant (Api-Key), user (User-Api-Key) and app (app-key). Nuget .netstandard2.0 Portable
Applyze.Shared.Authentication.AspNetCore It provides only same processes with Applyze.Shared.Authentication, but it has AspNetCore special Middleware and Attributes. Nuget .netstandard2.0 AspNetCore
Applyze.Identity.Client.TypeScript Provides access to all endpoints. v2.1 .netstandard2.0 TypeScript

Usage Client Libraries


Will be added...



NuGet Package

You can find NuGet Package and instructions from here

  • Open Package Manager Console and run following command:
Install-Package Applyze.Shared.Authentication
  • Or just add following package reference to .csproj file:
    <PackageReference Include="Applyze.Shared.Authentication" Version="1.0.3" />
  • Finally you should set the base url of tenant once in your application start:
Applyze.Shared.Authentication.Constants.TenantBaseUrl = "";


  • Go to Dependency Injection builder
  • Add following implementation into IServiceCollection:



  • Add ITenantService type parameter to your class constructor, keep it and use it:
using Applyze.Shared.Authentication.Services;

public class YourClass()
    private readonly ITenantService _service;
    public YourClass(ITenantService service) //<-- Constructor
        _service = service;

    public async Task<IActionResult> YourAction(string apiKey)
        var result = await service.AuthenticateApiKeyAsync(apiKey);  // < --- Just use like here.



NuGet Package

You can find NuGet Package and instructions from here

  • Open Package Manager Console and run following command:
Install-Package Applyze.Shared.Authentication.AspNetCore
  • Or just add following package reference to .csproj file:
    <PackageReference Include="Applyze.Shared.Authentication" Version="1.0.4" />
    <PackageReference Include="Applyze.Shared.Authentication.AspNetCore" Version="1.0.4" />


  • Go to Startup.cs
  • Add following code into ConfigureServices() method:
services.AddApplyzeAuthentication(builder => builder.SetTenantBaseUrl(""));
// or you can set it from your configuretion
services.AddApplyzeAuthentication(builder => builder.SetTenantBaseUrl(Configuration.GetSection("Applyze:TenantUrl").Value));


Authenticate with Attribute

There is an ApplyzeAuthenticateAttribute which is located at Applyze.Shared.Authentication.Filters namespace nad ready to use authenticate your Controllers or Actions.


  • Just use ApplyzeAuthenticate attribute:
using Applyze.Shared.Authentication.Filters;

[ApplyzeAuthenticate] // <-- Authenticates ApiKey from Tenant
public class YourController()
    [AllowAnonymous]  // <-- Authentication disabled for this action
    public IActionResult YourAction()

    [ApplyzeAuthenticate(AuthenticationType.ApplicationLevel)] // <-- Authenticates ApiKey, AppKey
    public IActionResult YourOtherAction()

    [ApplyzeAuthenticate(AuthenticationType.ApplicationOwnerLevel)] // <-- Authenticates ApiKey, UserApiKey and AppKey from Tenant
    public IActionResult YourAnotherAction()

Or you can combine your own requirements with bitwise OR like following sample:

    [ApplyzeAuthenticate(AuthenticationType.ApiKey | AuthenticationType.UserApiKey | AuthenticationType.AppKey)]

Getting Authenticated App

using Applyze.Shared.Authentication.Helpers;

public class YourController()
    public IActionResult YourAction()
        var app = HttpContext.GetCachedApp();